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Really well written. I am glad you had a tribe as we like to say. find your tribe is what we shared through this time. masks were interesting indeed, we've (wife and i) spoken endlessly about them in a variety of ways. sometimes it is hard not to go directly to judging those wearing them, other times not so much, as it is good to know their state of mind and motivating energy in such a visible fashion. the tool we use for fear is a fear processing exercise my wife brought to use that handled her intense daily fear that had reached a level that was debilitating. I can share a link to it if you'd like. or you can search fear processing inelia Benz and find it yourself. I appreciate your handling of this, I'm so glad you found a tribe to help you stand in your knowing, and I hope the fear beast has finished its expression to you so that the scenery presented doesn't trigger it so much. it was remarkable to me to navigate this mask thing with others of our tribe, none of which did any of the things mandated or whatever, although a few had the scarf trick up their sleeve to feel less vulnerable. there was an energy it seemed that id call an open door, that allowed the accosting energy in. a defense, righteousness, or like in your case, severe trauma. seems like that energy was amplified and the orchestrations to meet it were multiplied times a hundred. my friend tried walking into three places in a row, wearing no mask as a righteous challenge. well, righteous challenge accepted, lol, and that was pretty illuminating. I only got chased around Costco once in a hide and seek game. I enjoyed the ... just out of sight... and the employee was. ... almost got me ... but I digress. I love your writing, and thanks so much for going to work sans mask, orchestrating a supportive boss, being the light you are less dimmed by the projections of others, and also, visible proof and evidence for those in our tribe of 2.5 billion that you are proof, as are we, that none of it was even partly necessary. it helps each other stay sane when we see and experience sane around us.

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